Evernight Teen Publishing

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Evernight Teen Publishing 2nd Birthday Bash Blop Hop

Happy Birthday to EVERNIGHT TEEN!

EVERNIGHT TEEN turns two this month and we’re having a huge party to celebrate! It may be EVERNIGHT TEEN’s birthday, but you get the presents. So, grab a piece of cake, hop from blog-to-blog and discover EVERNIGHT TEEN!

Be sure to visit every stop on the hop and answer each question. The more blogs you hop, the more chances to win the GRAND PRIZE of an iPad Mini sponsored by EVERNIGHT TEEN (one entry per blog). Plus, hop each blog for a host of other fabulous prizes.

Have your TBR list handy because we have lots of new titles for you to add, including my featured books…



Enter for a chance to win EVERNIGHT TEEN’s GRAND PRIZE of an iPad Mini and my blog prize by answering this question (be sure to include your email address to be eligible to win):

I'm giving away a $10 GC to Evernight Teen and as you can see, they are giving away an iPad mini. My question is this: What hooks you into buying a book? What is it that attracts you, the reader?
All my titles are available on Amazon, B&N, ET, and most retailers. I'm currently working on the fourth title in my Vulcan Legacies series, Black Apocalypse. Here's a snippet:
Grandma Blackwell
As she pulled the last batch of cookies from the oven, Viola Blackwell had a strange thought. A tear sprung into her eye. This would be the last time she ever baked her grandson’s favorite cookies. Setting the cookie sheet down, she wiped the single tear away.
     Walking to Michael’s bedroom, she stopped in the doorway. His back was to her and she could see his shoulders rise and fall as he worked diligently on something.
     “What are you doing?” she asked.
     Michael jerked in surprise as he turned to look at her. She could see Michael sliding what looked like a picture and frame under his flannel blanket.
     “Nothing,” Michael said with a sheepish grin.
     Viola walked into his bedroom and sat down, careful not to sit on what he was hiding.
     “I’m your Grandmother. Really, it’s quite alright to show me,” Viola said, a fond smile forming at her lips.
     She watched as Michael pulled out his project. She gazed at how he held the picture and frame tenderly in his big hands.
     “May I?” she asked, holding her hands out to accept the frame.
     “Okay,” Michael said, setting the frame gently in her hands.
     Viola noticed the embarrassment cross Michael’s face at having been caught with a picture of the girl he’d had a crush on for as long as Viola could remember. She wouldn’t tease him. It broke her heart to sit next to her boy and watch his innocence at loving a girl that would lead to some of the most painful moments in his life.
     “Ally Watson Blackwell,” Viola said, reading the engraving on the frame, one she knew her boy had taken the time to carve out.
     “Grandma…” Michael started, his face turning red, embarrassed.
     “No,” Viola said, cutting him off. “Ally is a lovely girl and I know you’ve pined after her since you were both children.”
     Viola handed the picture back to Michael.
     “You knew?” Michael asked, arching a brow at Viola.
     “Of course. You’re my boy,” Viola said. “Why else would you work for Argyle when you didn’t really need a job at all? It wasn’t farming that held your attention, but the girl on the farm that did.”
     “Do you think she knows?” Michael asked.
     “It’s hard to say. You’re both so young.”
     “But you knew,” Michael said.
     “Yes, that’s true. I was young once, you know,” Viola said. She turned her thoughts to more serious things. “Blackwell, huh?”
     Michael rubbed a thumb over Ally’s picture. He glanced up, a serious look leveling out his features. “I love her, Grandma.”
     Viola rested a hand on his shoulder. “I know.”
     She turned her memories to the past. Viola had no idea how her life would change, how Michael’s life would change the day she met the Seraph, Ally’s mother. She was told this day would come, the day that she would have to let her beloved boy go to fulfill his destiny. Viola thought she’d prepared herself for the loss of the boy she loved, the boy she’d raised not so much as a grandson, but as her own child.
     It occurred to her that the years passed by too quickly, that no amount of prepping for this day would’ve ever been enough to help her face the inevitable.
     “I’m going to marry her, Grandma. One day, she’ll be my wife.”
     “I’m leaving for Florida this evening,” Viola said, standing up. Clearing her throat of any shakiness that threatened to overtake her she said, “Come have some chocolate chip cookies with me before I leave.”


The birthday blog hop continues here:
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